Nurseryweb spiderlings

What Lives Here?

When you start looking, you’ll notice that we are surrounded by bugs – they are everywhere! There’s a whole miniature, fascinating world all around us.

Here’s some lists of the more common ones you’re likely to see:

Forest Bugs

  • cicada
  • earwigs
  • huhu beetle
  • leaf-veined slugs
  • slaters
  • stick insect
  • weta

Moths and Butterflies

  • case moth
  • day flying moth
  • kowhai moth
  • magpie moth
  • porina moth
  • red admiral butterfly
  • zebra moth


  • daddy long-legs spider
  • wolf spider

Wetland Bugs

  • damselfly
  • dragonfly
  • green manuka beetle

Aquatic bugs

  • backswimmer
  • waterboatman

Moths and Butterflies

  • cabbage tree moth
  • copper butterfly
  • flax looper moth
  • flax notch moth


  • nursery web spider
  • wolf spider